Pecan Street Smart Grid Demonstration Program - Final Technology Performance Report
Feb. 15, 2015
Pecan Street Inc.
This document represents the final Regional Demonstration Project Technical Performance Report (TPR) for Pecan Street Inc.'s (Pecan Street) Smart Grid Demonstration Program, DEOE-0000219. Pecan Street is a 501(c)(3) smart grid/clean energy research and development organization headquartered at The University of Texas at Austin (UT).
Pecan Street worked in collaboration with Austin Energy, UT, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the City of Austin, the Austin Chamber of Commerce and selected consultants, contractors, and vendors to take a more detailed look at the energy load of residential and small commercial properties while the power industry is undergoing modernization.
The Pecan Street Smart Grid Demonstration Program signed-up over 1,000 participants who are sharing their home or businesses electricity consumption data with the project via green button protocols, smart meters, and/or a home energy monitoring system (HEMS). Pecan Street completed the installation of HEMS in 750 homes and 25 commercial properties. The program provided incentives to increase the installed base of roof-top solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, plug-in electric vehicles with Level 2 charging, and smart appliances.