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Order Instituting Rulemaking to Consider Smart Grid Technologies Pursuant to Federal Legislation and on the Commission's own Motion to Actively Guide Policy in California's Development of a Smart Grid System.

Nov. 30, 2008

California Public Utilities Commission


The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) initiated this proceeding pursuant to federal legislation as well as its own motion to consider policies for California investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) to enhance the ability of the electric grid to support important policy goals including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency and demand response, expanding the use of renewable energy, and improving reliability.

The Department of Energy's Office of Electricity (OE) recognizes that our nation's sustained economic prosperity, quality of life, and global competitiveness depends on an abundance of secure, reliable, and affordable energy resources. OE leads the Department of Energy's efforts to ensure a resilient, and flexible electricity system in the United States. Learn more about OE >>

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