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OG&E Smart Study TOGETHER Impact Final Results

Jan. 31, 2012

Global Energy Partners, LLC

C Williamson, J Shishido


The primary goal of OG&Es Smart Study TOGETHER is to assess the impact of multiple levels of enabling technology combined with different dynamic pricing rates on a customers energy consumption. A randomized study design was implemented with participant and control groups to estimate the load reduction associated with rate-technology combinations. This report provides summary information about the results of the study, with load reductions in tabular and graphical form, accompanied by comments.

The Department of Energy's Office of Electricity (OE) recognizes that our nation's sustained economic prosperity, quality of life, and global competitiveness depends on an abundance of secure, reliable, and affordable energy resources. OE leads the Department of Energy's efforts to ensure a resilient, and flexible electricity system in the United States. Learn more about OE >>

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