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New York Power Authority Evaluation of Instrumentation and Dynamic Thermal Ratings for Overhead Lines Project Description

Aug. 15, 2013

U.S. Department of Energy


New York Power Authority (NYPA) and its partners will implement and demonstrate the effects that Dynamic Thermal Circuit Ratings (DTCR) technology can have on areas of the New York State transmission system where there is the potential for wind generation. NYPA will use real-time thermal ratings measurements to correlate increased wind generation and increased transmission capacity, which could defer millions of dollars in capital expenditures on transmission projects. DTCR will be applied to three 230 kV transmission lines: Moses-Willis line spanning 710 feet surrounded by inactive agricultural land and low hayfields near to the town of Massena; Willis-Ryan line spanning 580 feet surrounded by cultivated cropland close to Chateaugay; and Moses-Adirondack line spanning 545 feet in Massena surrounded by permanent pasture and near natural forest and wetland.

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