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City of Leesburg, FL

Dec. 31, 2013

U.S. Department of Energy


The City of Leesburg's (Leesburg) Smart Grid Investment Grant project involves a city-wide deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), new customer systems, and expansion of distribution automation capabilities. Leesburg is providing consumer education to help customers use the new devices and usage information to their full potential. The project also automates and increases the efficiency of portions of the electric distribution system through the deployment of automated voltage capacitors, fault indicators, and automated reclosers. These devices improve power quality, reduce line losses, and reduce the duration and number of customers affected by power outages.

The Department of Energy's Office of Electricity (OE) recognizes that our nation's sustained economic prosperity, quality of life, and global competitiveness depends on an abundance of secure, reliable, and affordable energy resources. OE leads the Department of Energy's efforts to ensure a resilient, and flexible electricity system in the United States. Learn more about OE >>

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